Friday, 29 September 2017

Doing Life with God....Intimacy with God

I love Joyce Meyer. Though I am of the Roman Catholic faith, I enjoy her teachings. She has been instrumental to my desire for intimacy with God. I have her app on my phone and  often listen to her sermons, read her daily devotionals and articles. It was she who came up with the phrase, ’doing life with God’.

Monday, 18 September 2017

The lover of my Soul

I was doing a little ‘spring cleaning’ the other day when I came across one of my oldest diaries, dated as far back as 2006/2007. It was so interesting reading through my thoughts about the way I saw the world then. The realization that I have indeed come a long way made me grateful to God. One thing that struck me though, is my evergreen passion for God. I will be sharing some of my old diary entries from time to time.

I wrote this one on the 12th of September 2007, at 11.30 am, while nursing a heart break.☺☺ I remember I was at home on vacation, after one of our semester exams. I was in 200 level.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Guest Feature-Its only a matter of time!

Happy September Blog visitors.

Today we have a guest feature.

Her name is Brenda,a friend of a friend,who became a dear friend to me too😊😊😊😊😊😊😊.

She put this up on her instagram @alobee and it came alive to me,thought to share, as it may be a word in due season for someone out there too.